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Published May 31, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Wat Preah Vihear Sour: A Popular Pilgrimage Site outside Phnom Penh, Cambodia


  • 1. Kyoto University


  • 1. Cornell University


Wat Preah Vihear Sour is a pre-colonial Theravada Buddhist temple which was built before the 1860s on an older construction site belonged to the Angkor era (9th-15th centuries CE). The site has several constructions like a water reservoir (baray) which belonged to the Angkor period (9th-15th centuries). Theravada Buddhist practices/beliefs probably came to the area during the 16th century which has remained the most important element of the site until today.


Wat Preah Vihear Sour: A Popular Pilgrimage Site outside Phnom Penh, Cambodia.pdf